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Skin Resurfacing Treatment


SharpLight’s skin laser resurfacing treatments effectively tighten and reduce the signs of aging and damage caused by the environment and improves the skin’s texture, resulting in smoother, younger looking skin where it counts – on the face, neck and hands. This is achieved using a micro epidermal peel produced by an advanced technology, the Er:YAG laser. Through a thermo-mechanical reaction, the peel removes the top layer of skin; this old, damaged layer is then replaced by a fresh, smoother, more radiant layer of skin. This flexible and reliable treatment improves skin texture, smoothes rhytids, and reduces wrinkles and some scarring. Overall, the result of this safe and effective treatment is smoother skin with a brighter glow.

The following are some of the main advantages of SharpLight’s skin resurfacing treatments:

  • Treatment is effective and efficient, producing impressive results within 1 to 4 sessions.

  • Treatment is customizable with adjustable peeling effects and degrees of strength, allowing practitioners to personalize it in accordance with patient needs.

  • Healing is rapid and treatment requires minimal downtime.

  • There are minimal, transient side effects associated with treatment; surrounding thermal damage is minimal.

  • Treatment has been proven successful for thousands of satisfied clients.



FULL FACE $600.00

NECK $300.00


BACK $1000.00

Payment plans available for qualifying customer.

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